Unity 笔记本




Unity 2D下固定Camera显示的场景宽度

见链接中2017.03.28的回答 Fixed width, relative height, on different aspect ratio screen?


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class CameraController : MonoBehaviour
    //Set a fixed horizontal FOV
    public float horizontalFOV = 120f;
    //somewhere in update if screen is resizable
    Camera cam;

    void Awake()
        cam = GetComponent<Camera>();

    void FixedUpdate()
        cam.fieldOfView = calcVertivalFOV(horizontalFOV, Camera.main.aspect);

    private float calcVertivalFOV(float hFOVInDeg, float aspectRatio)
        float hFOVInRads = hFOVInDeg * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
        float vFOVInRads = 2 * Mathf.Atan(Mathf.Tan(hFOVInRads / 2) / aspectRatio);
        float vFOV = vFOVInRads * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
        return vFOV;


见链接中2018年10月的回答 How I can change the speed of a song or sound?

  • 目前不适用于WebGL,因Audio Mixer不被支持。
  1. 将Audio Source的outputAudioMixerGroup设为刚添加的Audio Mixer Group
  2. 添加一个Audio Mixer Group
  3. 在这个Audio Mixer Group中加入Pitch Shifter效果
  4. 将Pitch Shifter的Pitch参数暴露到脚本中
  5. 若使播放速度变为原来的x倍
    1. 将Audio Source的pitch参数乘x
    2. 将Pitch Shifter的pitch参数除x

在Unity C# Scripts中使用event系统

  1. 【Unity3D技巧】在Unity中使用事件/委托机制(event/delegate)进行GameObject之间的通信
  2. 【Unity3D技巧】在Unity中使用事件/委托机制(event/delegate)进行GameObject之间的通信 (二) : 引入中间层NotificationCenter

在Unity C# Scripts中StartCoroutine/yield return这个模式到底是怎么应用的?其中的原理是什么

  1. Coroutine,你究竟干了什么
  2. Coroutine,你究竟干了什么?(小续)


Object something = null;
//An error will be thrown.
//However, if you use '?'
Object something = null;
//Nothing will happen. 
//But when something is declared as an instance that really can "DoSomething()", it will actually do it.